The memorial tea on 12 October 2019 was held on the verandah of a very good friend:
Monthly Archives: October 2019
Kennel Club of Harare – Sadly two of our dog members passed away.
Raymond Folcarelli always entered various obedience shows with his Border collies at the Kennel club. Helen Bates trained at the GSD League and later she married Roger Ashton and Roger helped us to do attach work at the Vainona Junior school where we were allowed to use an empty class room. We even had the GSD League shows at the school.
Raymond Anthony Folcarelli – We advise that Ray succumbed to pneumonia in the early hours of Friday 27 September 2019, at Dandaro Clinic. Please join us for a memorial tea at 74 Montgomery Road, Highlands at 3pm, on Saturday 12 October 2019. Please bring a small plate of eats. Contact Ann 0774 117 450.
Helen was diagnosed with Cancer in her liver, but they could not operate as it was too close to major blood vessels. She has been having Chemo etc, for about 6 months. Very sadly she passed away on 2 October in New Zealand where she and Roger moved to.